Another Baby on The Way!

I guess I have neglected my blog here for a few months & I was just informed that I never told anyone I was having another baby. I was talking to a friends the other day and I sure thought that he knew I was having another baby, but nope. I forgot to mention it to lots of my long distant friends and I didn’t post it here. I have to admit that I am amused by the fact that Shane acted like he knew what I was talking about & I think it is pretty sweet that he decided to take on the roll of the flaky friend when it was me who was being forgetful. In my defense though I do get to be a bit scatter brained when I am pregnant.

So for those of you who don’t know this yet I am pregnant with baby number 4! Holy Moly!

And for those who should have known by now I am sorry!

I am just about 7 months, so I guess I have been a bit busy as well as scatter brained. There were a few occasions that I thought that I was losing the baby so we wanted to wait until I was well into my third month to tell every one and then I guess I got busy with my holiday shows and forgot to tell everyone.

So anyways there is the latest update in my already hectic life. We had just figured out how to fit the three young ones that we have already comfortably into our home when we found out. Our 4.5 year home remodel is just about finished up & now we have really outgrown our little home. We have designed several additions for our house & I think that we may have come to a decision…maybe! The nice thing about the addition is that I get a new studio that will be big enough for all of my supplies and my kiln, glass & tools.

I got my studio organized after the holiday beading frenzy and have been taking pictures of my new jewelry this week, so I will be once again adding new jewelry to my website. I have lots of new designs & I can’t wait to get them up on my website for sale! I have lots of new Fairy Cluster Pendants© and have some fused glass that I made this past fall. I was hoping to get my kiln fired up this week, but got into beading & taking pictures and ran out of time. But everything is ready to go and I will be firing up the kiln early next week! So far I have only made earrings, the next batch I have set up and ready to fire will be full of pendants & I am so excited to see how they turn out!

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