How to Test for Fetal Movements After 28 Weeks

It is recommended that after 28 weeks pregnant women should take a few minutes twice a day to stop and count Fetal Movements. After 28 weeks, baby’s movement may slow down as he starts to run out of room to move around in. Babies are easily rocked to sleep by their mother’s daily routine, so it is very likely that you might not feel any movement for hours if you are busy and on the go. In addition, it is just as likely that when you stop to sit down or go to bed at night, that baby will start to become more active. If you have suddenly realized that you have not felt any movement for several hours it is a good idea to take a break and test for fetal movement, as well.

As a daily test, it is a good idea to test for fetal movements the same time everyday. It is also a good idea to test for movements whenever you notice a decrease or change in movements.

Check for fetal movements 20-30 minutes after a meal or snack. Once your food has had time to digest, there is a spike in blood sugar and that can get the baby moving if she is sleeping or feeling low energy. Exercise is another great way to get the baby moving. Shortly after your morning or evening walk or trip to the gym, baby can get a boost of energy similar to yours.

Grab a book to read or pop a movie in and sit down, put your feet up or lie down on your left side and relax. Keep and eye on the clock and count all fetal movements, even the small ones. You should be able to feel 10 movements in an hour or less. If you have not felt any movements in an hour, have another snack, a glass of milk or juice and then lay back down. Pay attention to the clock and any movements.

If you have not felt any fetal movements within two hours of starting to test for fetal movements call your Midwife or Doctor immediately. You should also call if you have felt less than 10 movements in 2 hours or if the length of time it takes to feel the 10 movements takes longer than normal. Your practitioner will probably want you to come in to the office or hospital to check for a heartbeat and perform a non-stress test.

Many times lack of movement just means that baby is sleepy and doesn’t feel like moving, but it is always better to go in and have everything check out than to sit home and wonder while something goes wrong. No one will laugh at you or think you are over reacting if you go in and nothing is wrong.

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