A Simple Avocado and Tomato Salad

♥ Simple pleasures are some of the most enjoyable of all ♥

One of my favorite summertime dishes is a quick and simple Avocado and Tomato Salad. It makes a great breakfast, a super snack and the perfect light lunch.

During the summer, depending on where you live, you can get avocados from anywhere between 4 for a dollar to about one dollar each. The part of the US that I live in, they are about $1.00 each at the moment, which is pretty good for an avocado around these parts. For that price it is hard to turn them down, especially when they make a tasty treat for my 14 month old and his big brothers, along with a fresh and healthy snack for mom. In just a few short minutes everyone is satisfied and very little time is taken away from precious summer play time!

There is no real recipe for this refreshing salad, you just
need a few simple ingredients and the rest is up to you.
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Lemon Juice
  • Salt

To make one of the tastiest and quickest salads ever, you will need to peel an Avocado (or two!) and cut it into good bite sized pieces. Follow that up with a Tomato (or two) cut into bite sized pieces. Toss the Avocado and Tomato chunks into a bowl, drizzle with fresh squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of salt. (I rarely use salt at all, but this salad calls for just a pinch)

Got an herb garden? Toss in some of your favorite fresh herbs. I love to add a bit of basil to mine. Some cilantro with a touch of lime juice is an awesome variation.

Mix everything together and enjoy!

See, wasn’t that about as easy as you can get? I would love to show you a picture of this salad, but after you mix everything together, it really is not the prettiest looking creation. Besides that, I am eating it at the moment and don’t have time to stop for pictures.

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