Yes, it is an Easy Bake Oven!

Last month I did one of Mama M’s Five Questions Fridays, one of the questions had to do with favorite childhood toys. My Easy Bake Oven was one of my favorite toys and here is the post that tells all about it. That post started a conversation that started here, spilled over to Twitter, and the BlogFrog. After 4 boys, I have a tendency to get a bit over excited when it comes to buying things for my baby girl. She turned 5 months old just before Christmas, and the topic of conversation was whether or not She Nut was too young for an Easy Bake Oven. While the general consensus was that she is indeed, not to young for a toy oven in which to make tasty little cakes and brownies, I decided I would wait until next year to get the coveted Easy Bake Oven.

My mother on the other hand, after reading said post, decided the Easy Bake Oven was the perfect gift for baby girl!

I love my exersaucer!!

In my last post, I asked if anyone could guess what special gift baby girl got for Christmas.

Rhonda was the only one who guess it, and while I wish I could send her some sweet tiny little cakes made with love, the fact is She Nut is still eating mush, so we wont be warming up the Easy Bake Oven any time soon. You can check out Rhonda’s blog A Glimpse of the Lyle Life and read about her adorable family.

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