Great News from Peds Cardiology! Owee is a Lucky Boy and Mama Just Might Lose it

Owain is a Great Look’n Kid!

Most importantly, his Heart is looking Great!

Owain had a peds cardiology appointment a few weeks ago. Do you remember last month when I finally posted an update about is December appointment? Here it is in this post. It took me a while to post and update because I didn’t like what I was hearing, so I figured I would just ignore the whole thing.

I am happy to say that this month’s appointment was great news! Just as I mentioned in the other post, which was also an update from his latest hospital stay, his O2 sats are up. It looks like they are staying up in the 80’s which is just where we want them to be. While we were waiting for his cardiologist, he was getting bored, so we walked the hallways in clinic. When his cardiologist saw him walking up and down the halls, she said that is one of the best ways to tell how great he is going. He was very active, and only just a little blue. He had no intention of stopping any time soon, and would have been happy to continue to walk that call for much longer.

He had a full work up, with an echo, ekg, and of course the pulse ox. Everything looked great! When we had our check up in December, we were at the point where we were scheduled for cardiology check-ups every 3-4 months, now we are every 6 months, and it looks like surgery will not be until next year! Mostly likely it will be around the time he turns 3, so late next spring. We thought that his next surgery was going to be before the end of this year, and now it is over a year a way. I know that things can change, and often do for Heart babies, and that anything could happen and his surgery may be pushed up again. For now we are so excited to be able to put it off for another year.

Yes, I know, he really shouldn’t be standing on the table like that! And so does he, but… I had to grab the camera to catch that look of joy!

His birthday is coming up in a few weeks, he is going to be 2 years old! It makes me so happy to see him grow when I think of how critical he was when he was transported to UVa Children’s Hospital. I am getting excited, I am so proud of him, he is so brave and such a fighter. I am also finding myself getting lost in those thoughts again, remembering his first month of life. I am more weepy, sensitive, and find myself getting irritated by the little things. Last year the same thing happened, but it was much worse, it caught me off guard. I was expecting to want to celebrate his life, but what I really wanted to do was be alone with him. His first birthday was very different than my first baby’s first birthday. I still don’t know exactly what we are going to do for his birthday, there are lots of things up in the air right now that we are trying to schedule. But I think this year is going to be more fun, more of a celebration of his life.

I am finding myself to be a bit more down, and that has a tendency to transfer to my writing, but it is also the way I cope, deal, vent, and let things go. Random things set me off and I have been known to get a bit snarky. So if you run across something here that sounds whiny, obnoxious, weird, rude or like I am complaining about nothing, your first reaction is probably going to be right, but please don’t hold it against me. We all fall apart sometimes, but at least this year it won’t catch me off guard. I got my Zoloft, plenty of bite sized pieces of chocolate, a jar of Nutella and a Wii Fit that I can use to find my way through the rough time.

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