Category: Photography

Sometimes You Just Have to Give up and Walk Away

When we went to Colonial Williamsburg in last month for the Homeschool Experience, I thought I would be able to get some good photos of…

A Mystery Noise Brought the Fire Department to The Nut House

When I say mystery noise, I really mean a crazy high pitched squealing, screeching, screaming noise coming from my furnace. Or at least that is…

Homeschool Room Makeover After the Walls are Repaired and Painted

It took us 5 years to finally finish caulking around the windows, fill in the nail holes and paint the trim and the baseboards. The…

Another Birthday at The Nut House

A few weeks ago E Nut celebrated his 7th birthday. I never thought that a 7th birthday would be that big of a deal until…

Name That Flower

I don’t know what kind of flower this is, but I thought it was pretty awesome looking! It was along the fence at…

Don’t Mess with the Baby!

What a crazy baby! Just after lunch she was sitting in the box of Mega Blocks and I grabbed the camera to get a photo…

Thankful Thursday

Yay for Thursday! I have 5 reasons to be very Thankful today! As always, I am Thankful for my happy, healthy, wild little beasties that…

Our Cub Scouts Raising Money with a Bake Sale

I am so proud of all of our Awesome Cub Scouts. Way to go guys…