Category: Wee Nut

Back in the Hospital with Owain

Owee is back in the hospital. It doesn’t look as bad as last  month when we were here. After running off to the…

Great News from Peds Cardiology! Owee is a Lucky Boy and Mama Just Might Lose it

Owain is a Great Look’n Kid! Most importantly, his Heart is looking Great! Owain had a peds cardiology appointment a few weeks ago…

Thankful Thursday and Health Update for Owee

OK, so I know that we didn’t spend that much time in the hospital. We have definitely spent more time there before. Somehow…

Thankful Thursday – Home from the Hospital Edition!

I was strong for my son when I had to be, now we are home, the house is quiet, Owain is sleeping and when I…

Quick Ride in a Wagon and Trip to Pediatric Playroom

I thought Owain could use a change of scenery, I know I needed it anyways! So we hunted down a portable oxygen tank, grabbed a…

Back to the ER and Now Admitted to the Pediatric Floor

Yesterday Owain was understandably cranky and tired. We spent the day on the couch trying to recover from the long night in the emergency room…

Spent the Night in the ER with Owee

E Nut was home sick from school yesterday, he started getting a nasty cough Saturday night. Wee Nut got that same cough last night around…