Category: Little Nut Nut

TMI Tuesday

I am sitting in here working on Wing Nut’s homeschool lesson and Little Nut Nut is in the bathroom giving me a play…

Holy Ton of Snow Batman! This is a Snow Storm the Kids will Never Forget

We got hit with the biggest snow storm in over a decade and I am pretty sure that this is the most amount of snow…

Thankful Thursday

Well, for once this week has been dragging on. I feel like the weekend will never come. We still haven’t gotten our tree…

My Three Year Old Has NO Inner Monologue

Little Nut Nut talks all day long, every little thought that pops into his head, comes right out of his mouth. He wanders around the…

Little Nut Nut’s 3rd Birthday – I Love the Sweet Boy!

It turns out that I never posted Little Nut Nut’s birthday pictures. She Nut was due on his 3rd birthday, and came 4…

Thankful Thursday

Whew! It has already been a long day at the Nut House, I am ready for a nap. The day started out very early with…

One Sentence Saturday

This one is from my Little Nut Nut. “I want to be Zero again so I can be a baby like She Nut.&#8221…