Category: Wing Nut

Thankful Thursday

This week I am Thankful for Homeschool Field Trips to the Apple Orchard I am Thankful that I got to spend the morning at the…

Fun Friday Photos

Apparently, it is the pillowcase that can make or break the costume…

Thankful Thursday

It has been a quiet week at the Nut House. Very little sleep and lots of chaos, but overall it has been a good week…

Fun Friday Photos

Have you ever had one of those moments where you look at what your kids at doing and think “AAAHhhhhhhh”!? Followed by &#8220…

Fun Friday Photos

The three oldest Nuts love to do face paintings, I suppose I should actually know who is who, but at this point all I know…

Good News is so Good, Some News is Not so Good Though

Yesterday was a good day. A long one, but still a good one. First bit of good news is that my 8 year old Wing…

My Oldest Nut Turned 8!

It was actually last week…maybe longer, but not too much. I can’t believe that my oldest just turned 8 and I…

Speak – Confirm – Repeat – Then Let’s Do It Again

There is one ongoing conversation that has been repeated so many times since summer vacation started that it qualifies for a little bit of crazy…

Moving forward with Owain’s next surgery and Celebrating Siblings

I think I feel OK about this. I knew it was coming so I have been trying to prepare myself. Of course I am sad…