Browsing Tag: Cleaning

Slugs in my Dryer and Between my Toes

I can’t think of many things more disgusting than slugs. Some might not consider the Shenandoah Valley to be “The South&#8221…

Homemade Furniture Polish is a Great way to Go Green and Save Money

A great way to condition your furniture and keep it free of dust at the same time is to make your own Furniture Polish. I…

14 Things Easily Done Every Day to Keep On Top of Housework!

If you have kids, you know how hard it can be to keep up with the housework. There is always something more to be done…

Vinegar is a Great way to Get rid of Lime Deposits

Also known as Hard Water Stains, Mineral Deposits, and Calcium Build-up, Lime Deposits around your faucets, in your sinks and tubs and in your…

Laundry Laundry Laundry Laundry LAUNDRY!

I swear, our family of 7 produces enough laundry for 20 people. I can’t believe how much laundry we have. I do 2…

Organizing My Week: 5 Kids, Homeschooling, Public Schooling & Preschool

At this time, I have one public school Nut, one Homeschooled Nut and one Little Nut Nut in Preschool. They all have different schedules, which…

Pregnancy Induced Forgetfulness

As my due date gets closer, less than 3 weeks away I am finding it harder and harder to concentrate. We are trying to get…

Two Days in a Row…

One of my little Nuts woke up at 5am with a nightmare…thus starting my sleepy day a bit early. I am up cleaning…

Speak – Confirm – Repeat – Then Let’s Do It Again

There is one ongoing conversation that has been repeated so many times since summer vacation started that it qualifies for a little bit of crazy…