OK, so I have absolutely nothing to post about. It is obvious that between Owee & Honey Nut getting sick, being exhausted from no real sleep for several nights and my running out of Zoloft there was no time or energy for working out.
Those two babies are still fairly sick. They both have the junkie coughs, very wet and they have a hard time catching their breaths or staying asleep. There is not really much more that can be done for them except wait it out and try to make them comfortable.
I feel so much better than I did yesterday. I have had 2 doses of Zoloft so far and I can’t believe what a difference it makes. I feel so much more at ease in my own body, the panic attacks are pretty much gone and the anxiety is way down. As of tonight, as long as I am busy, the anxiety level is way down. I am still having a hard time relaxing, but as long as I have something to do while I am relaxing then I am fine. Doesn’t sound very relaxing does it?! Haha! I would say that the anxiety feelings are like an intense need to do something, I feel like I am so far behind with everything.
I know it’s OK, but the past couple of weeks have left me with many things to do, and not enough time to do them. I also know that it is going to be awhile before I get caught up with everything. I am feeling much better, and I am ready to start, not sure where I am going to start, probably with homeschool. I would love to just hang out with the kids, and play Wii all day, but we have gotten behind this year after The Sick took over The Nut House.
I am going to get the kids working on their lessons tomorrow and start working out again. I don’t know how much my body is going to let me do, but I do know that when I am feeling down, exercise is a huge help for me. I am so excited!
I love being excited! So. Much. Fun. And it is exciting!
We finally got our tax return deposited! So we went on a little shopping spree at Target.
And by shopping spree, I mean we got things for the addition that we thought we were going to get last summer when we opened up the back of the house. The kids don’t have any curtains or window treatments at all, and there are none downstairs either. I probably wouldn’t mind so much if we lived out in the country, but I don’t like looking at the neighbors yards any more than they like looking at ours. Mostly wanted the kids to have privacy at night, and to help keep the sun out in the morning. I hope that this will help them sleep in a little bit, especially now that the sun is getting up earlier, my kids are getting up earlier.
I keep trying to get up earlier than the kids do, but they always beat me. All four bedrooms get early morning sunlight. I got some thick, heavy curtains for kids that help keep the sunlight out. Man, those curtains are expensive! I hope they work!
Four window treatments with the hardware for the kids rooms, along with two windows dressed downstairs was a pretty good chunk of money. More than I usually spend on groceries to last a couple of weeks. Yikes! I hope they work!
I am super excited about 1 thing that I got! I have been waiting for the tax return to come so that we could get the new Wii Just Dance 2 game! I have been thinking about it for months. A friend just got it and they are having a great time.
So I am adding Just Dance 2 to my workout routine! I am over the moon excited about it!
I thought that I was going to come home from Target today and check it out, but after an afternoon of wandering around Target with the two youngest kids was drained. Getting out of the house and feeling good got me wanting to jump right in and get back to my everyday life, but I still needed another day of rest. I hope that my body is up to it tomorrow!
I have not even opened up Just Dance 2 yet, and don’t know how it works, but I am going to add it to my weekly Wii Fit blog posts. If you are working out using the Just Dance games, come join in and share how you are doing!
We had an amazing Mended Little Hearts meeting tonight. Our 3 leaders live in different…
I have had one of “those” weeks! The kind of weeks where everything…
Jessica | 7th Mar 11
I really appreciate you being so open and honest about meds. I have been in such a slump this winter and have debated trying meds to find my way out. After this post I think I may just make an appointment. I don’t know how you manage so much with such a great attitude, one hospital visit has me in a million pieces!
Hazel Nut | 8th Mar 11
I hope things are going better for your little one! I see that you are home from hospital, I hope everyone is recovering quickly and that no more sickness comes to your house anytime soon.
You know, if you are feeling like you need some help, then there is a good chance that you do. Special needs children and living everyday with the loss of a child can be hard on even the strongest of us. My advice, it to look at your slump and think about how different things in your life affect you. Things that I noticed were anxiety, stress and worry over even the littlest things, high emotions, lots of ups and downs, lack of focus, easily distracted, frustration at all of it, hard time sleeping, unable to turn my mind off. And those are just the ones I can think of now.
With everything you have been through, I don’t think it is unreasonable to at least talk to a doctor, tell them how you are feeling and ask them about meds.
Hang in there! I am praying for you (((you)))
Clarissa | 7th Mar 11
Hey Hazel,
I have been thinking about you and wondering where you have been since you haven’t been posting your blog updates over at workplacelikehome. I started a new post over there for March posts and I have still been blogging in at least two blogs and have one more blog post I want to do tonight on my third blog.
Glad everything is good for you. Hope you come back and see us over at workplacelikehome when you get the chance. So glad you got the things you needed with the tax return. Hope to see you soon over at wplh! 🙂
Hazel Nut | 8th Mar 11
Thanks Clarissa! Thinks have been a little crazy and stressful around here for awhile. You are doing a great job with Blog365 Project, way to go, that is awesome!
Things are starting to get better for us, I will come back over when I get a chance. My days come and go so fast I barely have time to wake up before it is time to go back to bed, lol.