Category: Daily Nuttyness

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday! What a fabulous week we have been having! Wing Nut is still gaining weight. He also has a much better attitude, is less…

10 Things Tuesday

Here is another 10 Things Tuesday blog hop that is too late to be a blog hop. My days fly by, if anyone knows how…

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday! My kids were in rare form today. It was the type of day that I could not have predicted if I were a…

10 Things Tuesday

I know how completely ineffective it is to try to host a blog hop and not get it posted until the end of the day…

Homeschool Spring Lego Competition Prizes

Yesterday I shared photos of Little Nut Nut with his winning entry for our homescchool Lego Competition that we had yesterday. I never did get…

Missing my Boys

The 2 big kids went on a Cub Scout camp out this weekend. E Nut got me up extra early today running around with excitement…

Bring it On!

Warm days. Cool Nights. Random thunderstorms. The muddy smell of a constantly damp Earth. I love Spring! The past month has given us several warm…

Fun with Phone Photos!

I just downloaded a bunch of photos off of my phone. Most of these I didn’t even remember taking. I love fun surprises…

Free is Awesome! The Frustrating Week I Had, not so Awesome

I have had one of “those” weeks! The kind of weeks where everything starts out sunshine and roses, and before I know it…