Category: Daily Nuttyness

Thankful Thursday

Whew! It has already been a long day at the Nut House, I am ready for a nap. The day started out very early with…

Laundry Laundry Laundry Laundry LAUNDRY!

I swear, our family of 7 produces enough laundry for 20 people. I can’t believe how much laundry we have. I do 2…

Thankful Thursday

Well this one is pretty simple for me this week. I am Thankful for my midwife to is so easy to talk to. Yippie for…

Postpartum Depression: Mama’s Losin’ It

When I think of Postpartum Depression, I always think of moms who can’t bring themselves to care for their children, who are just…

Organizing My Week: 5 Kids, Homeschooling, Public Schooling & Preschool

At this time, I have one public school Nut, one Homeschooled Nut and one Little Nut Nut in Preschool. They all have different schedules, which…

Thankful Thursday

This week I am Thankful for Homeschool Field Trips to the Apple Orchard I am Thankful that I got to spend the morning at the…

Cloth Diapers: The Latest Addition to My Must Have List

Two weeks ago (Friday) I was getting She Nut ready for bed when I realized that I forgot to buy diapers for her. OK, no…

Thankful Thursday

It has been a quiet week at the Nut House. Very little sleep and lots of chaos, but overall it has been a good week…

Mostly Wordless Wednesday: E Nut Fast Asleep

A few photos I thought I lost long ago and found when I actually organized my back-up hard drive a few weeks ago. E…