Category: Daily Nuttyness

Thankful Thursday

The past 9 days since Ariel was born have been flying by so quickly I hardly have time to think. Last week while I was…

Ariel Margarete, Our New Pea-Nut is a She-Nut!

Can you believe it?! We have a little girl! I still can’t believe it. Her name is Ariel Margarete, she weighed 7 pounds…

It’s Baby Time – Heading to the Hospital

Finally! I wonder if this little Pea-Nut will be a boy or a girl? I have been in labor since about 9 last night…

Tips for Saving Money on Your Utility Bills

When money gets tight and jobs get harder to come by, we all start to worry. How much more are we going to end up…

Thankful Thursday

It has been a much better week than last week! I feel like my head is a bit more organized and things are finally starting…

How to Pack Your Bags for a Hospital Labor and Delivery

Every woman wants that perfect childbirth experience, where we go into the hospital, have a short labor followed by a quick delivery. We have dreams…

Thankful Thursday

I have many Ah-Ha moments when I realize that I know exactly what to do. Life at the Nut House has a tendency to…

Chickenpox at The Nut House

It is interesting how the littlest things can change everything about my day, and even my week. Yesterday afternoon I noticed that Little Nut Nut…