Category: Happy Homemaking

Laundry Laundry Laundry Laundry LAUNDRY!

I swear, our family of 7 produces enough laundry for 20 people. I can’t believe how much laundry we have. I do 2…

How to Correctly Time Labor Contractions

When your pregnancy gets to the point where you think you are in labor, it is important to know the correct way to time contractions…

Organizing My Week: 5 Kids, Homeschooling, Public Schooling & Preschool

At this time, I have one public school Nut, one Homeschooled Nut and one Little Nut Nut in Preschool. They all have different schedules, which…

Cloth Diapering: A Fabulous New WAH Mama I Found

The other day I was complaining about the cost of cloth diaper wraps. I have a good stash of small diaper wraps that were given…

Super Quick Marshmallow Popcorn Treat

This quick and simple treat is a variation of the traditional Rice Crispy Treat, but takes half the time. This is perfect for a last…

French Bread Pizza

Pizza is one of those quick diners that makes everyone in our family happy. The price of take-out and even store bought frozen pizza…

Electrical Passed Inspection!

This is the post that I was working on weeks ago when I was in labor. I started it in the morning and then I…

Tales From My Veggie Garden 2009 III

Well as hard as I tried, I have not been here updating the growth of my Veggie Garden. Unfortunately, my Veggie Garden has been a…

Thankful Thursday

This week has been a long & hectic one getting E Nut, my 1st grader back to public schoo,l and trying to get everything…