Category: My Tribe

Blessed, Loved, and Full of Grace

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday! What a fabulous week we have been having! Wing Nut is still gaining weight. He also has a much better attitude, is less…

Honey Nut is Not Interested in Going to Bed

It is several hours past bedtime, all 4 of her big brothers are tucked in and have been asleep for awhile already. Do you think…

Wing Nut is Gaining Weight!

For the first time in close to 2 years my 9 year old, Failure to Thrive Wing Nut has gained weight! And I am over…

A Poem From My Wing Nut

I am not sure if this poem has a title, I giggled so much I forgot to ask. I also didn’t ask him…

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday! My kids were in rare form today. It was the type of day that I could not have predicted if I were a…

Winner of the Best Talking Animal Spring Garden Lego Creation

Even though it was Sunday, The Nut House Homeschool was in session. Today’s assignment was to create a Lego creation based on Spring…

Missing my Boys

The 2 big kids went on a Cub Scout camp out this weekend. E Nut got me up extra early today running around with excitement…

Flashback Friday

I am updating my digital photo frame and going through all of my digital photos and scanning my older ones from the old camera. I…

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday! I know the day is almost over, but I can’t let the day go without slowing down for long enough to…