Welcome (back) to the Nut House

Hey There everyone! I know it’s been quite a while since I have spent time sharing the life of My Tribe. As you know, we have gone through a lot of changes in the past 7 years, most of them for the best, and a few that happened along the way that aren’t so great.

For the most part we are doing well. If you remember way back to when my blog was a daily part of my life, we were a homeschooling family, and I was a stay at home/work at home mama. And as you know, my 4th son was born with a Congenital Heart Defect. When it came time for me to get a job outside of the house, he was the inspiration behind my goal to work in a children’s hospital. In 2015 I started that journey when we moved back to my home state of New York and I took a job as a supply chain specialist, managing supplies for some of the operating rooms. In 2017 I took on a supervisor roll in a new surgical suite in the children’s hospital where I currently work.

Before becoming a single mom, the goal was to become debt free, and give My Tribe the best life I can. That is still my goal today! After moving 6 times in 2 years, we took some time to settle in to our new life. I have now spent the past 2 years focused on becoming Debt Free, and have done this with HUGE intensity for the past 20 months. I have had a few setbacks, but am focused on my Debt Free Journey, and purchasing a house for My Tribe with CASH.

I am excited to get back to sharing my favorite things with you! You will once again see my frugal living tips, recipes, how we are progressing through the debt free journey, DIY projects, embracing minimalism, Owain’s CHD Life, the latest interests from My Tribe, and our adventure of maneuvering through the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Welcome back, I am happy to see you again!

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